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Hey, your PC download is flagged as Linux and Mac, but it's only for Windows  :)

Interesting ideas!  You have a lot of different abilities here.  I love teleporting powers — it feels really powerful to be able to go through walls! — so I was really happy to see that.

I don't know if I did the boss the way you intended?  I had to shoot fireballs as fast as I could before he reached me, because he seems impossible to dodge or jump over.  Breathing a lot of fireballs is pretty satisfying, though.

If you're looking for any advice, I think you should try to make longer levels!  You went to a lot of effort to make all these powers, but I only got to use most of them once.  Even simple things like rows of bricks could be fun for a player to run through and destroy.  (Of course, you might then want to add checkpoints, so dying doesn't mean playing a very long level over again.)

I hope you keep making games!  It's hard, but there's nothing else like it.

I wrote some longer thoughts on my blog if you're interested.


Thank you so much for your reply!

We would continue improving the game!
And keep advising and supporting us!

Thank you so much!